Rochester Avionic Archives

F-16 Model (large)

F-16 Model (large) - Photo 1
Catalogue NumberC0251
LocationMezzanine Store
Object TypeModel
Part NoNone
Serial NoNone
Width (mm):626
Height (mm):1310
Depth (mm):1065
Weight (g):7200
Inscription(s)General Dynamics F-16 "Fighting Falcon"
NotesThe given dimensions are for the aircraft and its display stand; the model aircraft alone is: 626mm(W) x 285mm(H) x 875mm(D) and weighs an estimated 3,660g. This model shows the F-16A configuration for the Thunderbirds display team. The team has flown the F-16 since the 1983 season and switched from the F-16A to the F-16C in 1992. Only a few minor modifications differentiate a Thunderbird aircraft from an operational F-16C. These include the replacement of the 20mm cannon and ammunition drum with a smoke-generating system, including its plumbing and control switches, the removal of the jet fuel starter exhaust door, and the application of the Thunderbirds' glossy red, white, and blue polyurethane paint scheme. All of the modification work is performed at the maintenance depot at Hill AFB near Ogden, Utah. Other than those modifications, the aircraft are taken from the standard USAF inventory as production fighters, and can be returned to an operational squadron in short order without any major modification.

The RAA contains a number of models of equipment and aircraft. The equipment models were used as a marketing aid and often to ensure that the production unit will fit in the space; this was particularly true for Head Up Displays. Such equipment models will have minimal or no functionality. Models might  just be used as weighted units or as cockpit lighting evaluation units. The HUD used on the YF-16 was of the correct weight and envelope but only mounted the Spin 'chute button (a feature only required for the early test flights). Many of these models were made by professional model makers from the original drawings and could be quite expensive; alternatively the real hardware would be used.

The aircraft models range from the simple small scale kits to quite large display items. The large model aircraft were often a marketing tool from places like Airbus or Boeing but may be found in Boardrooms or Reception areas wheras the small models may be given as a visitor handout. Those models made from kits have largely been brought in from home but are useful to illustrate the platform alongside the equipment. The large models will be hugely expensive.

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